Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Our trip to Langkawi was fun. We spent 3 days there. Mama & abah took me around the island, Underwaterworld, cable car at Gunung Mat Chincang (we went straight to the top, I wasn't scared at all, can't really say the same about you, Mama...hehehehe...).But we missed out the beaches.Takpa, lain kali boleh pi lagi...will put on some pics once the connection's ok...

1 comment:

Hafiz Hashim said...

Wah!!! Jauhnyer berjalan....So much fun you had there Emil. Pak su sendiri pun dah lama tak pegi. Should plan for my own in the near future. Almost finish up my studies though the journey will never end here. Thats for sure.... Well, I guess thats it. Enjoy your childhood as beautiful as it can be...
